The naming process began by translating the property’s strategic positioning into contemporary and identifiable language that conveys the building’s selling points. Representing the modern aesthetic of the property, the modified work purpose of the building, and the module structure of the flexible office spaces, The MOD was the obvious name choice based on meaning and appeal. The MOD epitomises professionalism with personality, and captures a place where business growth is accompanied by a good time.

Aside from the building's core features, The MOD's brand value proposition is simple.
A simple logo refresh wasn't enough for The Mod – we had to dig deeper and create a value proposition that spoke to potential customers – then a visual language and brand voice to bring it to life.
The visual style, colour scheme, photography and tone of voice were crafted to position The MOD as a catalyst for transformation.

"BaseCreate has created remarkable work for The MOD building that helped us define not just this individual building but the new direction in which we are heading as a group"
Ben Wong
Assistant General Manager,
Towereed Properties Development Ltd

A go-to-market strategy was executed to support The MOD, including print, social and OOH rollouts.

A big thank you to Ben, Norman and Jeff for their great teamwork on the project.